Holiday Prep Pest Control Checklist For Homeowners

Most homeowners think that pests are a problem only in the summer. But winter is also not a friendly time of the year for pests outside, and they often seek shelter inside your home. This is the reason why you can observe the increase in pest infestation during winter. 

However, Pest Control Bongaree professionals suggest following a holiday preparation pest control checklist to get rid of these unwanted guests who appear in the holiday season. 

How To Keep Your Home Pest-Free This Holiday? 

You have to pay extra attention to your home if you want to exterminate all creepy creatures in the holiday season. Some of the tips which can really work to relieve homeowners are given below: 

Pay Attention To Greenery

You keep on bringing several items from outside, and this way, these pesky critters make their way inside your home. You need to do a thorough check of your natural decorations to circumvent pest problems. For example, if you are taking any live tree inside your home, check the branches and needles for pest signs. If the tree remains uninspected, it can bring Pests like ants, spiders, mites, etc. Extra caution will not only save you from pest infestation but maintain your home’s aesthetics as well. 

Clean Up

If you have created a lot of mess in your house, expect these pests to enter your place. A messy home can easily attract cockroaches, rats, and ants.  

Here are some cleaning tips to follow: 

  • Don’t forget to scrub your countertops to eliminate leftover crumbs because the food smell can attract rodents, ants, and roaches. 
  • Regular cleaning of toilets, sinks, and showers is a must to avoid bugs. 
  • If there is any gap in the walls or doors, seal it properly to prevent the entry of pests.
  • Wash your linens, towels, and sheets frequently to avoid dust mites and bed bugs.

Keeping your home clean is the best way to make sure pests don’t bother you in your holiday time. 

Keep Food Safe

Make sure you properly seal the leftover in any glass or plastic container after taking your meal. It will not attract pests. Moreover, you should also monitor your refrigerator and pantry to ensure pests haven’t attacked these places. Another important thing to consider is looking after the expiry date of food so that you can throw it away as it is likely to attract pests.

Professional Help Can Be Beneficial

Proper maintenance of your home can certainly help you keep pests away. However, you may sometimes miss the entry of these pesky critters. Therefore, allow professionals to exterminate pest infestation problems from your home during the holiday season. They will perform their job with perfection ensuring your home is free from all kinds of pest issues.

Four Things You Must Do Before Getting A Pest Control Service Session

Dealing with different unwanted guests like rodents, house flies, bedbugs, and mosquitos is stressful enough in itself. However, preparing your home for a full-fledged pest control service is a significant addition to the strain. Moreover, it will demand a lot of your time and energy. Especially cockroaches are pests who not only annoy you but can also result in multiple diseases. And if you are looking for tried and tested pest control services in Bongaree, you should first learn about the company’s experience and ways to deal with the pests. 

Furthermore, you need to finish some preparation tasks before your professional team arrives. Here are a few of them:

  1. Move Your Pets:

Whether you have caged pets or the other ones, pesticides can prove to be threatening for their health. And it is always better to be safe than sorry. Hence, it would be best if you move your pets from the affected area. 

You can shift your pets to your friend or neighbor’s home until you get sure of a clean and hygienic area. Pest control services providers suggest keeping your cats and dogs away as they can lick the harmful pesticides. Furthermore, you should also remove your pet’s belongings like a bed, water bowl to ensure 100% safety.

  1. Cover Open Belongings:

Every open item is more likely to accumulate harmful pesticides. This can result in difficult situations in the upcoming future. It would be best to pack or wrap all toys, toothbrushes, and other things to stay safe.

Moreover, if you have taken the Pest control Bongaree, it is advised to cover up your personal belongings in the bedroom. This will keep you safe from infections. Additionally, you should also remove your bedding for a safer side.

  1. Move Your Furniture Items:

The primary requirement of all the pest control service sessions is a clear area. This will help the professional team have better access to all the corners. You should move all your heavy furniture items around two to four feet away from the walls. Moreover, this will help to examine the insect activity and will make it easy to block the entry points of pests.

Final Words

The most important thing you need to keep in mind before the professional team arrives is to keep pregnant women and kids away from the affected area for a couple of hours.